An overview of my scientific work. For scientific software, please have a look at the software page.


  • J. Kanev, G. Wenning, K. Obermayer, Approximating the response-stimulus correlation for the integrate-and-fire neuron, Neurocomputing, 2004 [pdf]
  • Conferences

  • J. Kanev, G. Wenning, K. Obermayer, Approximating the response-stimulus correlation for the integrate-and-fire neuron, Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS), Alicante 2003
  • J. Kanev, G. Wenning, K. Obermayer, Ito Calculus Approach to the FPT Problen and Reverse Correlation, Treffen der Deutschen Neurobiologischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen 2003
  • Interest and Current Work

    Neural coding: how does the brain code information, what types of code are used. Stochastic processes, estimation of the response-stimulus correlation (RSC) of single neurons and small networks. Implications of RSC for neural code and learning mechanisms like STDP.